The use of non-Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts or non-Authorized Service Facilities (ASFs) will result in voided product warranty, voided agency certifications, and rejected insurance claims.
Woodward strongly advises Woodward equipment owners not use non-OEM parts or non-authorize service facilities to repair or overhaul their Woodward equipment. Non-ASFs may be less expensive than Woodward or Woodward’s regional ASF, however, as many equipment owners have experienced, doing so can result in devastating consequences related to rejected warranty and insurance claims, personnel safety events, and premature product failure.
Woodward has recently experienced an increase in the number of valves, actuators, and governors returned to Woodward where a non-ASF failed to repair the product correctly or used non-OEM parts. Non-ASFs do not have access to Woodward drawings, material specifications, testing procedures, or certification agency specifications. For example:
1. Non-ASFs cannot test the product performance to factory specifications or to safety levels specified by hazardous location safety certification agencies. If it is proven that a personnel safety or loss of production event was the result of the use of non-OEM parts or a non-ASF, insurance companies are not legally required to re-imburse insurers for associated losses.
2. Non-ASFs can measure valve, actuator, or governor dimensions, but they cannot identify the tolerance ranges and geometric tolerances that are essential for proper valve, actuator, or governor performance.
3. Non-ASFs do not have expertise to conduct stress calculations to meet the wide variety of safety margin codes required by product safety certification agencies. These calculations require extensive knowledge of component sizing, material, and quality.
4. Non-ASFs do not have expertise in specific material treatments such as hardening processes, overlays, brazing technology, etc., to manufacture parts which meet certification agency requirements at all application temperatures and stresses.
5. Non-ASFs lack the metallurgical knowledge to select proper materials with the proper ratings (temperature, stress, chemical exposure, etc.) based on the application requirements.
6. Non-ASFs do not have access to factory level product performance, calibration, and test routine specifications.
Below are example pictures of product failures resulting from the use of non-OEM parts or improper repair performed by a non-ASF:
By using Woodward authorized OEM replacement parts and service facilities you will ensure the safety of your personnel, full insurance reimbursements, full product warranty, as well as maximize the life and performance of your Woodward valve, actuator, or governor.