MAS S.A. joining European R&D SOLARSCO2OL Project General Assembly!

27 partners, including leading companies and renowned universities in Europe, are collaboratively working to demonstrate a MW-scale integrated sCO2 power block system coupled to a Molten Salt CSP solar field. The project reinforces the EU’s leadership in the solar power production industry advancing alongside US, China and Japan in cutting-edge research and development initiatives.

The General Assembly Meeting brought together all partners, both in-person and remotely-connected, to assess the current status of the project and discuss the challenges and the next steps after resuming project activities. Participants had also the opportunity to visit the Evora Molten Salt Platform (EMSP), a collaborative research infrastructure in Evora Portugal, managed by the Renewable Energies Chair – University of Évora and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

MAS S.A. joining European SOLARSCO2OL Project General Assembly

MAS S.A. is a proud partner of the project, developing & implementing the optimum control systems and supervisory solutions to manage the SOLARSCO2OL integrated system, with focus on flexibility enhancement.

SOLARSCO2OL Project is an EU H2020 funded project aiming at developing an innovative, economically viable and easily replicable supercritical CO2 (sCO2) power block for demonstrating the use of sCO2 cycles as a potential key technology to increase the flexibility of concentrated solar power (CSP) plants, reducing their Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) to values below 10 c€/kWh in Europe and promote an innovative power plant cycle layout not requiring water.