Safety at work in the foreground

Starting from next week, our people will gradually return to their positions at MAS S.A premises.

Considering all latest developments, the company has already taken the necessary measures for the safety of all employees, associates, and visitors, which include:

  • Disinfection -as a precaution- of all workplaces by a specialized company.
  • Reorganization of the working space in order to increase the distance between the offices.
  • Providing all personnel one-use gloves and clothe face masks.
  • Gradual arrivals at work, so that our people can avoid overcrowded public transportation.
  • Regular and continuous cleaning of sharing spaces when entering and leaving the room with cleansers and disinfectants.
  • Placement of sanitizing hand rub dispensers next to every office door, as well as in the main building entrance.
  • Extra sanitizing hand rub dispensers will be placed at other spots inside the MAS facilities.
  • Each department of the company will have different lunchtime breaks.
  • Meetings with our partners will take place through teleconferences.